自2008年以来,SoftSense Technologies Pvt。 Ltd.通过包括视线支架,制造商,贸易商和珠宝商在内的100多个钻石商人的尊贵产品组合,为全球宝石和珠宝行业提供软件解决方案。
Pratik Shah先生(SoftSense的创始人,董事)设想,全球钻石供应商和购买者之间100%的透明度以及从小商人到大型制造商的所有机会均等。 以此愿景,我们开发了DiaSense.in-一个在线B2B钻石市场,该数据库将来自世界各地的钻石制造商,贸易商和珠宝商联系起来。 如今,完善的在线交易中心是开展业务最有效,最经济的方式。 DiaSense为此提供了一个强大的平台。 我们使用最先进的身份验证工具确保隐私和数据安全。
Some of these are:
1) 80% diamonds on DiaSense are directly from manufacturers
2) 100% transparency about diamond price
3) One platform that connects all- anyone can join DiaSense, be it manufacturers, traders or jewelers
4) In-depth Price Analysis & Comparison of stones meeting your selection criteria
5) Multiple stone comparison on single page with HD images
6)Direct connectivity to suppliers’ website for images and video
7) TOP 10 Analysis:
Top 10 companies that have stocks meeting your criteria
Top 10 least priced stones meeting your criteria
8) Find Better Diamond: Lists diamonds of better grades at lesser prices as compared to a selected one
9) Find Similar Diamond: A useful tool when you want to make a Pair
10) Post-Demand tool designed for buyers
11) Manage your Searches and Selections
12) Region Analysis: Get country/region specific list of stones meeting your criteria
13) Member Directory
14) Systematic Inventory Management for Suppliers
15) In-depth Pricing Tool specially designed for Suppliers
16) Live inventory on our e-platform as well as on proprietary mobile apps
17) Web services to two-way auto connectivity between DiaSense and members’ individual software